Today most of the electronic devices around us contain a processor with some embedded software. The market for embedded systems is huge. Practical uses of such systems include medical devices, toys & games, monitoring and control of traffic & safety process control & instrumentation, energy conservation, consumer electronics, energy management, robotics, automobile systems, environmental pollution control, air traffic control and communication systems, defense etc.
AECTL Best embedded training institutes in Bangalore is an emerging Electronics Design Training provider for the embedded market. We feel proud to be associated with the academic population with our extremely well-researched course offerings on Embedded Systems. We have specially qualified engineers working in MNC companies for more than 9 years, who have in-depth knowledge in the subject and out embedded systems labs is one of the best in Bangalore. To take up embedded systems software development as career, you need to have a working knowledge of C, C++ and Java, with some exposure to application software development.
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